





public:macos10_openssh [2023/09/29 11:24] – specific segawapublic:macos10_openssh [2023/09/29 11:27] (現在) – [OpenSSH on macOS 13] segawa
行 1: 行 1:
-====== OpenSSH on macOS 13 ======+====== OpenSSH on macOS ======
 ==== 1. How to generate your SSH private key and public key ==== ==== 1. How to generate your SSH private key and public key ====
行 5: 行 5:
 |macOS$ ''ssh-keygen -t ecdsa''| This command generates your SSH private key and public key of the ECDSA type.| |macOS$ ''ssh-keygen -t ecdsa''| This command generates your SSH private key and public key of the ECDSA type.|
 |<code>Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/XXXX/.ssh/id_ecdsa):</code>|This inquiry is where your SSH key will be placed. Do not change.| |<code>Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/XXXX/.ssh/id_ecdsa):</code>|This inquiry is where your SSH key will be placed. Do not change.|
-|<code>Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):</code>.|To prevent misuse of your SSH private key, please enter your passphrase in this query. This ''passphrase'' does not have to be the same as your login password.|+|<code>Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):</code>|To prevent misuse of your SSH private key, please enter your passphrase in this query. This ''passphrase'' does not have to be the same as your login password.|
 Your SSH public key is ''$HOME/.ssh/id_ecdsa.pub''. Your SSH public key is ''$HOME/.ssh/id_ecdsa.pub''.
public/macos10_openssh.1695954291.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2023/09/29 11:24 by segawa

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